Other uses for banana passes:
1. Smoothies . Cut the bananas, freeze them and use them in smoothies. The secret facilities smoothies that are thick and creamy is to use frozen fruit instead of fresh. Bananas make smoothies creamier.
2. Homemade masks. Bananas contain beneficial properties for the skin as vitamins A and C, which are considered powerful antioxidants. Maja a banana with 1/3 cup oatmeal and apply to face. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
3. Make banana pancakes. This fruit gives a spectacular flavor to pancakes, so sweet that makes use much syrup is not necessary.
4. Pallets of frozen bananas. Peel the banana, pour an ice cream stick and dipped in chocolate. You can sprinkle peanuts or sprinkles to substitute low-fat ice cream. This dessert is low in fat and calories as well as nutritious and fun.
5. Chips. In Latin countries the banana and plantain are essential. These turned brown bananas are delicious fried, served with rice and beans.
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